About us

Contacting us

You can email the officers collectively using officers@middletondems.org. You’ll also find the Committee on Facebook and can use the Message feature to reach us.


As of the October 22, 2023 reorganization:

  • Chair: Roger Bourgeois
  • Vice Chair/Treasurer: Kyle Smith
  • Secretary: Jessica Ide
  • Affirmative Action and Outreach Coordinator: Beth Andres-Beck
  • Events & Communications Coordinator: Vacant

Mission, vision, and values

As approved by the Committee on January 21, 2024.


We foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party by working and organizing for the success of Democratic candidates in Town, County, State and National elections.


The MDTC fosters a Middleton where Democratic candidates are elected in record numbers in an inclusive and collaborative community.

Shared values

We operate by the guiding principles of mutual respect, honesty, integrity, diversity, inclusivity, collaboration, and constructive actions.